Information Architecture Rework

For a management platform that allows medical practices to post jobs to a zillow-like map of careers for medical professionals to explore.
Mockup showing multiple levels of navigation


The backend management aspect of the platform used by medical practices was getting frequent complaints on its complexity and taking up significant time from internal employees to repeatedly provide tutorials and explanations.


Created a workable prototype of a completely updated information architecture system that simplified the user flow and allowed for scalability and additional future features.


Worked as the design lead and sole designer for the company alongside a product manager and an offshore developer team.


  • Develop a deep understanding of employer users with a persona workshop and generative interviews

  • Map out existing user journeys to identify where pain points can be untangled

  • Create new information architecture structure and review with internal subject matter experts


Create a scalable system that will prevent further issues and reduce the amount of hand holding needed between medical employer users and internal account managers.

User Research

The initial persona workshop with the team spoke to users who had deeply ingrained habits and patterns, which told me we would need to adapt our tool to users rather than getting them to adopt new patterns. After speaking with several users a pattern emerged indicating that the way the management platform has been laid out was wrong at a fundamental level. Users needed another layer of organization from the beginning in order to best do their jobs.

Whiteboard of sticky notes describing the employer persona
Digital whiteboard of sticky notes and summaries for user interviews

User Journey Iterations

After understanding user pain points and knowing we would have to significantly rework the architecture of the platform, I began mapping out the existing user journey so that I could understand current dependencies and work around them. Once those were understood I created several version to review with the internal subject matter experts and narrowed in on a best direction.

Several flowcharts outlining iterations on potential user journeys


  • Working prototype of new information architecture for testing and development
  • Storymap breakdown identifying all pieces changing and any outstanding questions

High fidelity render of management site with pink outlines on new elements and sticky notes documenting behavior and questions
Gif of management platform prototype walking through navigation structure

© Charlotte Cunningham 2025