Greenfield Category Page
For an e-commerce platform hosted by funeral homes providing direct delivery of sympathy flowers to families and services.
Usage data was showing a steep drop off of customers upon entry to the store site. Our team was tasked with finding a way to reduce this initial drop off.
Designed, tested, and released a new page into the ecommerce flow that provided more direction to users and minimized decision fatigue, resulting in a 10% conversion uplift.
Worked as part of the ecommerce innovation team which included another designer, product managers, and an extensive data analytics crew.
Explore existing ecommerce patterns and identify gaps in our own system
Design and test multiple concepts utilizing AB testing
Build and release winning design solution
Increase conversion rate across the ecommerce store with a focus on reducing initial drop off upon user arrival.
Ecommerce Market Research
Across the market our team identified a pattern of user guidance that our store was missing. Majority of online stores we explore had some sort of 'categories' page that provided more direction to the user upon entry and allowed for them to curate their shopping experience.
Iteration & Testing
Once the team decided on which direction to take my proposed IA, we iterated on the page content formatting and brought it in front of users for feedback on the information hierarchy and level of intuitiveness.
We proceeded with an open card structure rather than our initial accordion menu designs after finding that hiding content reduced functionality of the platform for users, and they preferred having prioritized data laid out in front of them right away.
New category listing page
Additional features for the page to better direct users towards top items
Responsive design wireframes from desktop to mobile